Port Hedland - Tindale Street
In October 2010, Tindale secured a 2.62 hectare site in Port Hedland. The site is located 4.5km east of Port Hedland Harbour and 6.5km north of Port Hedland International Airport. The property was one of the largest freehold residential development opportunities in the region that had historically been restrained from development due to its proximity to the Port Hedland Wastewater Treatment Plant.
Tindale Property lodged a rezoning application over the site to provide for the development of 89 residential dwellings with the knowledge that relocation of the sewer ponds was likely to occur.
Tindale Property lobbied the Regional Development Minister Brendon Grylls and Water Minister Bill Marmion and ultimately secured a $106 million project contribution for the relocation of the sewer treatment plant.
Tindale Property was instrumental in securing this relocation funding which released the subject site for residential development hence securing considerable uplift in value.
The property was sold to Roy Hill Infrastructure at a value 3 times higher than the price the land was acquired. The property was ultimately approved to accommodate 89 dwellings, the majority of which have been constructed.